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Flea Season & How to Control it...

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Hi folks! Flea season is here , but there is no reason to run and hide. No, you can't lock your pet indoors either. Fido needs to go out and play, or at least do his business. Yes, there are plenty of chemical flea treatments available from your vet, but do they really work, are they worth the money, and what about all of those nasty side effects?

Well, for starters, I am not a vet and cannot give medical advice, but I have seen thousands of everyday pooches, and even some kitties and talked to their real owners. Personally, I do not use any of the flea treatment chemicals that are sold by the vet, with the exception of possibly Bravecto (for dogs), and even then it's super pricey, but I have not had any side effects from it, but I still use it sparingly.

If you have been using the same flea treatment for years and it works for you, that is awesome. And I recommend that you keep right on using whatever works for you and your critter. If you are looking for something new then stay tuned, and even if you are happy with your current treatment, I recommend reading this because you might just learn something.

Most chemical flea treatments are not able to be used on puppies or kittens under 12 weeks of age. How do I know? It says so right there on the label. What it doesn't tell you is why ... it's because the chemicals used to combat those pesky fleas can be harmful to your little fluffball's liver. When they are so little they just can't handle it.

On a side note, please be wary of flea treatments that list neurological side effects. I have seen perfectly healthy dogs become a mess because of flea treatments that they continue to sell. It can cause your happy, healthy, pooch or kitty to have uncontrollable seizures for the rest of their lives, even after you stop taking the flea medication. So, PLEASE be careful.

Now for more happy things. Like I said before I will occasionally use Bravecto on my canine critters, and Cap Star is another one that I have used, but it only works for 2-3 days and kills all of the fleas in a matter of hours. However my absolute favorite flea and tick remedy is Dawn Dish Soap. That's right blue Dawn Dish Detergent. You wash your dog up and put the Blue Dawn on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off. It's gentle enough to use on furry critters of any age, and best of all no chemicals that stay in their system, and NO SIDE EFFECTS. Plus no pricey prescription needed, no vet office visit. Just pick it up at the store for like 2 bucks and away you go!!


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