Let's get real folks, one cannot live on an unhealthy diet forever. It will eventually catch up to you in a big way, and when it does...
You don't know what happened or where it came from but suddenly you are uncomfortable in your own skin, your clothes don't fit, you are constantly out of breath as you try to keep up with your kids or grandkids, or maybe you just stop because you caught a glimpse of yourself in a mirror and wonder who in the world that is. Whatever the reason, most of us come to a point in our lives when we look at ourselves and say, "What the heck happened?!" I am not ashamed to say that I have been there and done that. The real question is not what happened, but what are we going to do about it? So many people are lost in a sea of emotional eating, yo-yo dieting, and expensive meal plans that not only don't work, but don't even taste good. Ugh, whatever shall we do?
Well, I am here to tell you that there is an answer, and that you can have your proverbial cake and eat it too. You do not have to sacrifice taste in order to eat a healthy meal that nourishes both your body and your soul. On this blog you will find recipes that are good for you and good tasting as well. I wouldn't put something up here that I wouldn't feed to my family. So, you can take solace in knowing that these are tried and true recipes that anyone can make.
So, what's with the Lean Green stuff? It is a way of eating that I was introduced to by my fabulous cousin who used the Optvia diet program to loose over 100lbs and greatly improve not just her health, but also her mind, body, and spirit. I am not saying that you need to do this diet, as it is a little pricey, but one of the phrases that they use is a lean and green meal. It is basically a lean protein of some sort with a bunch of veggies to go with it in the proper proportions to make it a healthy meal. Because I am personally trying to improve my health, and way of eating, I wish to share the gospel of great tasting food that can also be great for you.
If you are interested in the Optivia diet program I would be more than happy to help get you hooked up. If you just want to utilize the lean and green meals on this blog to get healthier, that is cool too. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you have any questions or would like me to hook you up!!